DAY PROGRAM SERVICESThe Organization will offer a Day Program to provide our participants with opportunities to socialize, exercise, and learn. This program’s purpose is to improve their lives and to teach new skills through a variety of activities and programs. In doing this, we hope to give them the skills they need to live as independently as possible. Through these programs, we hope to instill a variety of skills including communicating with others, making personal choices, eating independently, personal hygiene, domestic skills, developing hobbies and interests and developing basic work skills. Each person’s activities will be individually designed to meet his or her personal needs and skills.
These skills will be emphasized through a variety of activities designed and coordinated by a trained day program staff. In addition, many entertainment and social activities will be incorporated. These will include a variety of games and sports, exercise time, gardening activities, arts and crafts, table games, music and singing time, movies and many others mentioned above. Another important aspect of the day program will be community service projects such as meals on wheels. This part of the program will teach our participants the importance of helping or volunteering in the community. All the day program activities will primarily take place at the facility and outside, added to field trips and tour that will be offered on occasions. All their desires and needs will be taken into consideration in creating programs and planning activities. Overall, it is crucial that the program plan is person–centered and is developed with the active participation of the clients.
THE DAY HABILITATIONThis includes assistance with acquisition, retention or improvement in self-help, socialization and adaptive skills that take place in a non-residential setting, separate from the participant’s private residence or other residential living arrangements, except for the occasion of extreme medical and/or safety needs when the service is pre-approved by DDD/DHS. Activities and environments are designed to foster the acquisition of skills, appropriate behavior, greater independence, and personal choice. These services are individually coordinated through the person’s Service Plan. Day Habilitation Services and Supports encompass two types of habilitative environments on which our focus will be: Specialized Habilitation (SH) and Supported Community Connections (SCC).
SPECIALIZED HABILITATION (SH)These services focus on enabling the individual to attain his or her maximum functional level or to be supported in such a manner that allows the person to gain an increased level of self-sufficiency. These services are generally provided in non-integrated settings where majority of the persons have a disability, such as program sites and supervised work settings. Such services include assistance with self-feeding, toileting, self-care, sensory stimulation and integration, self-sufficiency, maintenance skills, and supervision. Specialized habilitation services may serve to reinforce skills or lessons taught in school, therapy or other settings and, where appropriate, are coordinated with any physical, occupational, or speech therapies listed in the Service Plan. Day habilitation does not include sheltered workshop activities.
SUPPORTED COMMUNITY CONNECTIONSThese support the abilities and skills necessary to enable the individual to access typical activities and functions of community life such as those chosen by the general population, including community education or training, retirement and volunteer activities. Supported Community Connection provides a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships and natural supports in the community while utilizing the community as a learning environment to provide services and supports as identified in a person’s Service Plan. These activities are conducted in a variety of settings in which participants interact with non-disabled individuals (other than those individuals who are providing services to the participant). These types of services may include socialization, adaptive skills and personnel to accompany and support the individual in community settings. Resources necessary for participation in activities and supplies related to skill acquisition, retention or improvements are provided by the agency as part of the established reimbursement rate. Supported Community Connections may be provided in a group setting (or groups traveling together into the community) and/or may be provided on a one-to-one basis as a learning environment to provide instruction when identified in the Service Plan.
Venezia Innovative Services offers a full spectrum of individualized services to individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities with nurse oversight such as:
- Active lifestyle: Park and open spaces
- Mall walk
- Reservoir
- Recreation: varieties of fun games
- Art and culture / Art and crafts
- Museum / Zoo
- Library: reading
- Music / Zumba
- Cooking class
- Gardens
- Yoga
- Field trip
- Aurora / Denver city tour
We are ready to serve you. Please call us at 303-537-5078 / 720-297-1002 to take advantage of our services today.